We are pleased to announce that we will change our company name from “EP-SOGO Co., Ltd.” to “EP-Link Co., Ltd.”, as of April 1, 2024.

Founded in 1999 as the first SMO in the EPS Group, this December marks the 25th anniversary of the company’s founding, and we have taken this milestone as a time of new beginnings, and have incorporated our aspirations for a new business stage into our new company name, “EP-Link Co., Ltd”.
“Link” has the meaning of “bond,” “circle,” and “ring,” which are the characteristics of our company.
We value the link from the past to the present and into the future, and will continue to take on the challenge of achieving further growth and sustainable development as a company that continues to be trusted and chosen by our customers.
We look forward to your continued support and guidance in the future.
New company name: EP-Link Co., Ltd.
Date of change: April 1, 2024
*There are no changes other than the company name.